Turn a duty into virtue and create added value for your company!
Our auditing services give you valuable insights into your figures, processes and internal control system.
You need support with the preparation of (consolidated) financial statements according to HGB / IFRS or the conversion of accounting to IFRS?
We can help you beginning with the software selection up to the actual consolidation, planning, reporting and analysis. For you this means rapid transparency through reliable, uniform monthly and annual consolidated financial statements. A clear aim of our approach is to transfer the necessary knowledge and capabilities to enable you to prepare your financial statements independently and as quickly as possible.
(Voluntary) audit of annual financial statements
(Voluntary) audit of consolidated financial statements
Other auditing and certification services
Preparation of individual and consolidated financial statements HGB / IFRS
Conversion of Group / Accounting to IFRS
Advice on complex accounting issues, preparation for new standards
Transaction services / financial & tax diligence
Business valuation
This is a brief overview of our services. Talk to us and we will find an auditing or consulting offer individually tailored to your needs.